Is Google Plus Pushed Back Facebook & Twitter Usage to Decline? ~ Google Plus One News, Google Plus One Project, Google +1 Information
Google Plus One News, Google Plus One Project, Google +1 Information: Is Google Plus Pushed Back Facebook & Twitter Usage to Decline?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is Google Plus Pushed Back Facebook & Twitter Usage to Decline?

The most enthusiastic and prolific Google Plus user on the RWW team is our Lead Writer and VP Content Dev, Marshall Kirkpatrick. I thought it would be interesting to look at Marshall's Twitter stats, to see if he has decreased his usage of Twitter.

Google Plus launched on 28 June and Marshall was immediately hooked. Since that time there has been a noticeable dip in Marshall's Twitter activity - although he still does over 20 tweets a day fairly regularly (note: the May figures are low because he was in Brazil at that time). Here is his TwitterCounter chart for the past few months:

Marshall himself feels like he has been publishing to Twitter less, "because I get so much more conversation on Plus." This is a common theme that I've been hearing too, that the discussions on Google Plus are lively and interesting.

However, Marshall also noted that he still watches Twitter "as closely as ever," citing the ecosystem of apps set up for listening - such as TweetDeck.

The decrease in Twitter activity is more pronounced in another early Google Plus convert, Digg founder and geek rock star Kevin Rose (who provoked a debate when he re-directed his personal website to his Google Plus profile). The below chart from TwitterCounter shows a marked decrease in Kevin's tweeting since Google Plus launched.

Has Your Twitter or Facebook Usage Declined?

Should Twitter and Facebook be worried about the decline in their services amongst avid Google Plus users? Of course they should. They will point out that these are early adopters and that Google Plus hasn't proven itself in a mainstream setting yet. But the early adopters are often an indicator of mainstream success (not always - it remains to be seen whether Foursquare ever takes off outside of the young and geeky crowd).

This was an unscientific and somewhat biased survey, so let us know in the comments whether you use Google Plus; and if so whether your Twitter or Facebook usage has declined as a result.

Source: Is Google Plus Pushed Back Facebook & Twitter Usage to Decline?

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