Google Offers Free Calls Home From Gmail for American Troops ~ Google Plus One News, Google Plus One Project, Google +1 Information
Google Plus One News, Google Plus One Project, Google +1 Information: Google Offers Free Calls Home From Gmail for American Troops

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Google Offers Free Calls Home From Gmail for American Troops

Google is aware of how valuable our service men and ladies are, and the way onerous it's to be off from home on long tours of duty. the corporate is giving back where it will, by providing free calls at intervals Gmail to the states for individuals with a sound .mil email address. it'd not seem to be a lot of, however you'd perceive when obtaining your 1st cellular phone bill with roaming charges from the jap mountains of Afghanistan. to require advantage all you have got to try and do is add your military address to your Google account and click on a link within the verification email and you are smart to travel.

Free calls home from Gmail for all U.S. service members

There are two easy steps to enable free calling from Gmail (detailed instructions):

  • Add your valid .mil email address to your Google Account
  • Click on the Call phone link at the top of the Gmail chat roster and install the voice and video Gmail plugin if you haven’t already.

And don’t forget that for friends and family at home in the U.S., calling troops abroad is as little as $.02/minute.

Similar to free calling within the U.S., free calling to the U.S. for se members will be available for at least the rest of 2011.

Google recognize and appreciate the sacrifices U.S. troops make when they serve abroad, and we’re proud to help make it a little bit easier for them to stay connected and hear a familiar voice.

Source: Free calls home from Gmail for all U.S. service members

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