Google+ is the Best Place for SEO ~ Google Plus One News, Google Plus One Project, Google +1 Information
Google Plus One News, Google Plus One Project, Google +1 Information: Google+ is the Best Place for SEO

Monday, September 12, 2011

Google+ is the Best Place for SEO

Google+ is the best place for SEO

Robert Scoble told me this big secret: Google+ is the best place for SEO, here is the reason:

Because, let’s be honest, Google has one huge stick: search. If you would like your words, images, or videos to be out there in Google search you would like to place them within the places which will be rewarded best by Google.

That place is Google+.

And that’s the rationale why Robert Scoble need everyone leaves Google+

So, if everybody left Google+ that will leave the simplest SEO technology out there to simply, well, him. which suggests his videos, blogs, and photos would seem higher on search than yours.

Which means his world-domination media plans would work.

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